Ascend Podcast

Ascend Podcast

Latest Episodes

Observing My Thoughts 9 (CENSORSHIP)
April 27, 2020

Over the last 6 Months they have started censoring more and more of the posts, videos, podcasts. Taking down posts and censoring the information. I thought it was about time i voiced my opinion in a intelligent & calm way. Support the podcast: Via our Pa.

AP192: The Hidden Universe - Anthony Peake
April 21, 2020

Anthony Peake is the author of bestselling titles The Hidden Universe: An investigation into Non-Human Intelligence's, The Out-of-Body Experience, The Infinite Mindfield, Immortal Mind, Opening the Doors perception  Support the podcast: Via our Patreon p.

Observing My Thoughts 8 (The Great Year)
April 20, 2020

Are we living in the Great awakening? What if there is some greater celestial cycle, lasting thousands of years, slowly influencing the rise and fall of civilization across the globe? Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page -

AP191: Neuroscientist explains Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams & Consciousness - Rodrigo Montenegro
April 16, 2020

Rodrigo Montenegro is a leading Neuroscientist with a interest in the Out of Body Experience, Lucid Dreams & Consciousness Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - D.

AP190: Change Your Mind, Heal Your Body - Anna Parkinson
April 07, 2020

Anna Parkinson is the author of the book Change Your Mind, Heal Your Body. We explore the phenomenon of healing and your own ability to heal yourself. Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - http://ascendbo.

Observing My Thoughts 7
March 31, 2020

Humanity was nearing a crossroads could this be it?. Radical changes we are making in our social behavior, economy, and the role of government in our lives. Covid demonstrates the power of our collective will when we agree on what is important. What else.

AP189: Spiritual Awakening The Real Virus Sweeping Planet - with (Best buddy)
March 30, 2020

I am joined by my best Buddy James and we dive deep down the rabbit hole Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - Donate -

End of World Podcast THE RESET
March 20, 2020

This Week i talk about the Virus that's sweeping the World & our consciousness Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - Donate -

Observing My Thoughts 6
March 13, 2020

Topics - Eye Gazing, Communicating with Spirit, Integration, See Ourselves Through The Eyes Of Others I always have new thoughts, questions, new concepts, new ideas, new philosophy's i am playing with, or toying with in my mind's so i am now going to sha.

AP188: Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Pineal Gland, Higher Wisdom - Sarah Janes
March 05, 2020

Sarah Janes is an independent researcher with a particular interest in learning the language of the Egyptian hieroglyphics. She is interested in Egyptian ideas of spirituality, nature reality and dream states. Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - .
