The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Should You Trade In Your Small Client For a Bigger Model? - CLS029

April 15, 2016

It's questions and ACTIONS Friday!
Today's question comes from Ivan, who writes:
"I started my coaching business 4 months ago, and have 3 pretty good clients. The money is small, but steady.
A really BIG new client wants to book a really large service package for a "healthy sum". Problem is, I'd have to stop working with my smaller clients to make room for this one. It would take all my time for at least 5 months or more.
The new client coaching could really rocket my business, but I don't want to offend, or not honor the small clients I already have by stopping working with them.
What should I do?”
Ivan this is literally an on-the-money question, and something we all have to face at some time.
Your question is so pivotal because it can shape the whole future of your life and business.
Not to add pressure to your situation, but that's how it adds up.
Great news is: you're in a good spot—this is a VERY good problem to have even if it is a hard decision to make
So while I can't answer this for you directly as you ask—only YOU can do that—I CAN is share my experience with this, and share a decision framework which can help you answer what is right for your life and business.
Ready to roll? Let's do this!!
