The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Knowing Thyself, Boosting Your Business, Finding a Magic Client - CLS016

March 02, 2016

We're moving on to part 2 of our ongoing walk through my upcoming Coaching Business Course.
I'm super-pumped about today's show because it's *totally*different from most of my other shows. Today, we have homework AND a handout. So here's what I want you to do:
First, right now, click over (ok, if you're on your computer. If you're not, then know...) to You'll see a big old signup form with the words "BIO Plan". You want that handout for the show.
Already, here's what we're going into today:
1. Do I need a core audience? (we'll cover this in the next episode, or one after.) This one comes up a lot and we're going to grapple a bit with it.
2. Results in coaching. What's realistic, what are you "on the hook for" when working with clients.
3. Walk through of our exclusive BIO Plan. This is content from our upcoming course, and it's an opportunity to preview one teeny-tiny piece of it here.
We've got a lot to cover today so let's get into it!
