Bangarang Radio

Bangarang Radio

Pop-Punk & Pizza #112: stop.drop.rewind

September 17, 2020

Left to Right: Andy, DJ, and Kris of stop.drop.rewind.

When I was in, The Projection, we played at lot of shows with a band from Northwest Indiana called, stop.drop.rewind. I haven't seen them since we last played together in 2013 at a house party in the Westville, Indiana area. So it was great catching up with the guitarist, DJ Crenson , and bassist, Kris Lohn, after all this time! We talked about their latest pop punk fueled single, "Space Force", which is packed with fun and satire. Yes, the song pokes fun at President Trump's Space Force and it's hilarious. Thanks for being on, DJ and Kris!

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Much Love,

Jacques LaMore

