Podcast Archives - Freemasonry in the Bakken

Podcast Archives - Freemasonry in the Bakken

005 - Freemasonry in the Bakken - ND Grand Master David Bickel, part 1

November 26, 2014

We have the pleasure and honor of having the North Dakota Most Worshipful Grand Master David Bickel join us and share with us his vision of what Freemasonry is, his goals for his time as Grand Master, and some of his personal thoughts and feelings of Freemasonry.

The Knife and Fork Degree

I do not attend the meetings

I have not the time to spare

But every time they have a feast

You will surely see me there

I cannot help with the degrees

For I do not know the work

But I can applaud the speakers

And handle a knife and fork

I am so rusty with the ritual

That it seems like Greek to me

But practice has made me perfect

In the knife and fork degree.


A Thanksgiving Prayer

by Fred Milliken

Oh, Lord, now this we’re thankful for:

The good things life has held in store;

The love of those within our home,

And friends to greet wherever we roam;

The health and strength wherewith to toil,

The bounteous food from freedom’s soil;

We thank Thee for the right to pray

And worship Thee in our own way;

To live within a land that’s free;

For this, dear Lord, our thanks to Thee;

And through these blessings, one by one,

May Thy will, Lord, on earth be done!

Opening Music:

Dancing in the Rain, by Melia Astin

Closing Music:

Auld Land Syne,  written in 1788 by Scottish poet Robert Burns and performed by The U.S. Marine Corps Band

Transition Music:

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Special Thanks to our sponsor for this episode!

Dickinson Family Counseling Center!

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