Podcast Archives - Freemasonry in the Bakken

Podcast Archives - Freemasonry in the Bakken

002 - Freemasonry in the Bakken - What is Freemasonry

November 03, 2014

In this episode, we take some time and just scratch the surface of what Freemasonry is to each of us and talk about some of the highlights of what we hear from Masons and non-masons.  We bring up a wide range of topics of which many we will dive deeper  into with future episodes.

We encourage open discussion about "What is Freemasonry" on our social media pages with #bakkenmasons or you can contact us directly and we'll respond either directly or on the show!


A Mason is a man who professes a faith in God. As a man of faith, he uses the tools of moral and ethical truths to serve mankind.

A Mason binds himself to like-minded men in a Brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, social, cultural, and educational differences.

In fellowship with his Brothers, a Mason finds ways in which to serve his God, his family, his fellowman, and his country.

A Mason is dedicated. He recognizes his responsibility for justice, truth, charity, enlightenment, freedom and liberty, honesty and integrity in all aspects of human endeavor.

A Mason is such a man.

Grand Lodge AF & AM of North Dakota

Arv Burvee - Grand Master 1990 - 1991

Opening Music:

Dancing in the Rain, by Melia Astin

Closing Music:

Auld Land Syne,  written in 1788 by Scottish poet Robert Burns and performed by The U.S. Marine Corps Band

Transition Music:

is provided by freeSFX

Special Thanks to our sponsor for this episode!


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