ForwardSlash About - Episode 49 (W/HEATHER)

June 30, 2014

Hey everyone! ForwardSlash About here filling in for Backslash About who is away...

On today's episode we interview Brian from Backslash About who is out in Las Vegas doing a couple nights of Stand Up Comedy. He joins us to bring his NO LUBE segment to share with the show. We also have an intellectual and in depth interview with a local pizza delivery girl named Heather, and her opinions on the parapsychological effects of EMF transmissions within the after life.

We then review the movie A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST (SPOILER ALERT), and end the show with our infamous "WOULD YOU RATHER" segment.

Our intern, Jesse Coleman joins us yet again to help us with some jokes and randomness.

Grab your favorite Miller Lite can, scarf on some pizza and if you can deal with the heat of Vegas then possibly check out Brian tonight (june 30th 2014) @ The Tropicana around 8pm... but don't listen to him, just have your headphones listening to ForwardSlash About!
