Backslash About - Episode 46 (W/FLOWERS TAPED TO PENS)

May 19, 2014

HEY! It's been a while, so we are giving you guys an extra 14% of episode this week!

This week we start with a little NO LUBE (NEWS) where we discuss the ever changing Medical Advise from high esteemed Doctors around the world, and then debate whether the "insanity" plea should be taken away from criminal law in regards to sentencing for our American Court System. We then interview the band FLOWERS TAPED TO PENS, review the movie IN THE LOOP, and Matt fills us in with his tales of adventure in the vast mysterious country and his homeland CHINA! We then finish up with some honesty jokes that are sure to make your insides want to come on the outside ....

So see if you can book yourself a 17 hour flight sitting next to a half naked man who is wearing no deodorant, munch on some chicken foot, and take a bullet train all while pleading insanity in your own mind to a crime you may or may not have committed, all while listening to Episode 46 of Backslash About!
