Backslash About - Episode 34 (W/SERVICE INTERRUPTION)

January 13, 2014

We're back!

Welcome in the new year with your favorite podcast! We start off with a little re-cap of what we've been doing since Christmas, hop on over to some NO LUBE where we discuss the black rhinos, a world record eating contest, and "the perfect pitch pill". We then interview rock band SERVICE INTERRUPTION, review the movie LOST AND FOUND IN ARMENIA, and end with a little PARANORMAL ACTIVITY WITH ALAN and discuss his adventure finding the 4th candelabra on Nicholas Cage.

So take all the boxes of all the presents left over from Christmas, take a bath in some Egg Nog, shove a candy cane up your nose and try to whistle a Milli Vanilli song out your eye, all while you listen to Episode 34!
