Back Porch Writer

Back Porch Writer

Marketing Your Debut Novel

May 31, 2016

We're diving into what it takes for a debut author to market her first book. Claire Everward and her sister, Kate, are doing exactly that. A month ago, I spoke with them via a interview when they'd just released Claire's novel, THE FIRST. Now, we're assessing what they've done, what's worked, what hasn't, and what they've learned.

A. Claire Everward takes the world far too seriously. She is passionate and sensitive to her surroundings, and tends to fight for what she believes in. She is direct, although she tries not to be, at least not always. She leads a quiet life and prefers to spend time with her characters, and for her escaping into writing is always the best refuge. She would say it maintains her sanity but her sister Kate says that sanity tends to be overrated.
