Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Support for Homeschoolers with Special Needs

February 28, 2015

This was a special episode of The Unschool Homeschool--I had my first guest! Hicunni Chandler is the Executive Director of the Home Educators Special Needs Alliance and she joins me today to talk about how the alliance was formed, her journey to the path of the Executive Director, and the first annual special needs conference.

Conferences are always packed with great information; and, it can create a sense of information overload. The goal of the Home Educators Special Needs Alliance Conference is to assist parents in navagiting through the resources and methods to transition this information into our individual homeschools. Conference attendees will receive strategies that they can implement immediately. "We do not have all of the answers, but we are here to connect families with the resources and some ideas on how to make the homeschool day flow a little easier."

Would you like to attend this conference? Tune in and find out how to attend for FREE!

Helpful Links from this episode:
Conference Registration:
Home Educatiors Special Needs Alliance:

Curriculum Links from past episodes:http://time4learning.com

Episode theme: "I Will Survive" by CMM680
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