Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

One IEP + One MOM = Advocate Empowered

February 17, 2015

Curriculum and the Special Education Homeschool Student

 You all know that I am a huge fan of Time4Learning because it

Proceeds at the students own pace.
Builds on existing reading, writing and math skills.
Testing and the Special Education Homeschool Student

Most states require you to administer some type of standardized test to your homeschool student.  In Georgia, you are required to evaluate your student using a standardized test every three years starting in the 3rd grade.  I highly recommend Grogg Educational Consulting. Dr. Grogg is a Certified School Psychologist. She uses the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement.  You can contact Grogg Education Consulting by phone 404.585.1528 or through email

Helpful Links from this series: Kathryn Grogg of Grogg Educational Consulting

Episode theme: "Homeschool Rock" by The Jansen Family
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