Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Teacher, she cheated

January 28, 2015

My niece, Elena Lundy, is my heart and she is currently in culinary school.  Earlier this week, she told me about a contest at her school that required her to post a photo of a recipe.  The winner would be chosen based on the number of LIKES the photo received. 

Well, those of you who know me know that if there is one thing that I can do well is launch a very effective social media campaign? Why? Easy--it's because of YOU our Back2Us Radio listeners.  You all come through for us every time we have a social media request in a way that most people have yet to understand. 

This is the link to my niece's photo:

UPDATE: Thanks to all of the Back2Us Radio listeners, the school has since removed her photo from the contest; but, that's ok because I am building her a FB Fan Page so that everyone who supported her in the contest can continue to support her on her own page.  

And this is why I have chosen to do a podcast about a man named Jeffrey Mentis who wrote a post accusing her of cheating.  You can see the entire dialogue under the picture.

So listeners, let's show Jeffrey the TRUE power of Social Media and support my niece. Remember the game RED ROVER and how tightly we use to hold hands to prevent the outsider from breaking through? I'm asking all of you to be my niece's RED ROVER LINE right now. 

"Stackin Money", the song featured in this episode was provided by Mimi Celese and Cadallic Jr.

Thank you Back2Us Radio Listeners for always supporting the underdogs in the world. 

"The dream is free but will only be achieved when you harness the power of the hustle." ~~ Dr. Mabry
