B2B Content Marketing Leaders

B2B Content Marketing Leaders

Amanda Maksymiw, Senior Content Marketing Manager at Lattice Engines - The B2B Marketing Leaders Podcast

March 20, 2015

Amanda Maksymiw is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at Lattice Engines
Amanda (https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandamaks)(http://theb2bpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Amanda_Maksymiw_Content-Marketing-Tactian-of-the-Year-2012-270x300.png) leads the Lattice Engines content marketing strategy. Her savvy content marketing strategies have helped establish Lattice Engines (http://www.lattice-engines.com/) as an authority in predictive, data driven marketing.


Amanda was awarded the 2012 Content Marketing Tactician of the Year (http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2012/09/orange-award-winners/) alongside Joe Chernov from Eloqua. More recently, Michael Brenner, Mark Schaefer, Joe Pulizzi called her out (http://www.businessesgrow.com/2014/06/02/rising-social-media-stars/) as one of the top rising social media marketing professionals. Press play and get started listening to Amanda Maksymiw share valuable B2B content marketing tips and check out the highlights and tweetable quotes below:

What does it take to be an award-winning content marketing tactician?

Doer: You have to be able to get things done!
Curiosity: You have to be willing to experiment and try out new ideas.
Drive: Always be hungry for a great idea and constantly optimize.
Organization: Lots of projects, but you always need to know next step and deadlines
Assertiveness: Learn how to nicely harass people to get things done according to your workflow
Communication Style: Being able to tell a great story is essential for content marketers.


Can you share with us what it took to make your #MarketingNerds campaign successful?

Amanda shared that for this campaign to be successful it needed everyone at Lattice to be aligned and (http://theb2bpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Marketing-Nerd-300x238.png)focused around one goal. Next, they were able to find a great idea that resonated very well with their target buyer personas and then started working on building out the marketing campaigns.

They strategically leveraged influencer marketing by highlighting a variety of "Marketing Nerds (http://www.lattice-engines.com/blog/youre-mktgnerd-top-list-marketing-nerds)" like David Meerman Scott, Scott Brinker, Ann Handley and a past guest of our podcast: Meagen Eisenberg (http://www.triblio.com/docusign-meagen-eisenberg/)

Lattice created a lot of content to support this strategy like infographics, eBooks, blog posts, articles etc... They also extended the theme over longer period of time which resulted in multiple touch points all coming together.

And last but not least, the team had to work really damn hard!

[Tweet "Successful content starts with a goal and purpose. - @amandamarks"]

The hard work paid off,  the "Marketing Nerd" campaign (http://www.heinzmarketing.com/2014/01/anatomy-great-marketing-campaign/) increased Lattice's awareness and exposure to a new target market in a really cool and creative way that captivated the audience.


What platforms do you rely on as a B2B marketer for maximum results?

Amanda says that a B2B content program should be looked at as a hub and spoke. The main hub in the center is your blog where you post all of your content including: articles, stories, videos, infographics, eBooks, research, case studies and more.

Then the social channels act as spokes on the wheel to expand the reach, increase awareness and distribute the content. Lattice counts on tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, Edgar (http://meetedgar.com/) for content distribution. Vidyard (http://www.vidyard.com/)for videos, Visually (http://visual.ly/) for infographics and is testing SnapApp (http://www.snapapp.com/) to incorporate fun interactive quizzes into their content program.


How are you using all that data to execute future campaigns?

Lattice collects data via surveys and uses the information to better understand their audience,
