Awkward Conversations

Awkward Conversations

Latest Episodes

30: Just War and Hiroshima
August 06, 2020

Paul talks with Marc LiVecche about the morality of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

29: Jonathan Dodson on “Our Good Crisis”
June 04, 2020

Paul talks with Jonathan Dodson, author of “Our Good Crisis.”

28: From Kuyper to China
May 20, 2020

Paul talks with Bruce Ashford about everything except the coronavirus. They cover grace, nature, Abraham Kuyper, China, Nationalism, Just War, and more.

27: The Killer Robots Are Coming
May 06, 2020

Paul talks with Heritage Foundation technology expert Klon Kitchen about cyberwarfare, artificial intelligence, and the rise of China.

26: Thomas Kidd on “Who Is an Evangelical?”
April 23, 2020

Paul talks with Thomas Kidd about his new book, “Who is an Evangelical?”

25: Life Under Lockdown
April 08, 2020

Paul and Jennilee talk about family life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

24: Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy
March 26, 2020

Paul and Michael Desch of Notre Dame debate Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy.

23: Paul Miller and Thomas Joscelyn talk Afghanistan
March 12, 2020

Paul Miller and Thomas Joscelyn of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies talk about the US-Taliban deal and respond to the Washington Post’s “Afghanistan…Continue reading23: Paul Miller and Thomas Joscelyn talk Afghanistan

22: Yuval Levin on “A Time to Build”
February 27, 2020

Paul talks with Yuval Levin about his new book, “A Time to Build,” and the importance of investing in family, community, and civic life.

21: Panel on “Holy Bridges: The Role of Religion in American Polarization”
February 12, 2020

Paul speaks on a panel at the Aspen Institute about religion and American politics.
