Awakening @ First Church Podcast

Awakening @ First Church Podcast

Everything Happens For A Reason

January 11, 2016

"Mythbusters", Part 1 of 5 - "Everything Happens For A Reason"

“EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.” It’s a phrase I’m sure all of us have heard or said at some point in our life. Usually it’s said in a time of crisis, whether personal or in a community. The idea is that no matter how bad the situation, no matter what kind of pain or loss someone is going through, there’s a reason for it. But why? Why do some things happen? What's the reason? Even if we can understand the things WE had a part in, what about children dying? What about disease and natural disasters? What's the reason then?

Join us as we unpack this and more in our latest series, “Mythbusters”.
