Awakening @ First Church Podcast

Awakening @ First Church Podcast

Where We Find Him

January 04, 2016

Mary & Joseph lost Jesus when He was 12 years old...sort of. And after 3 days of looking in the busy city of Jerusalem they found Him sitting at the temple, talking to the rabbis and others gathered. Everyone was amazed, but Mary had one question: “why would you do this to me? To your father, Joseph? To your family?”

Jesus responds with a calm wisdom. He answered in a way that was loving, honest, and maybe even a little challenging. He tells them that if they really understood Him, who He was, it would have been a short search. So today we are reminded of a few places we know we can find Him.

We invite you, as we begin 2016, to join us on the journey in this week's message from Awakening @ First Church: "Where We Find Him."
