AviatorCast: Flight Training & Aviation Podcast

AviatorCast: Flight Training & Aviation Podcast

22 Flight Training, Flying & Aviation Career Questions — Motivation Monday #4

January 22, 2020


Questions on this episode:
0:37 Do you offer PPL, Instrument and Commercial flight training and when can I start?
1:49 Any tips for Commercial lazy 8’s and 8’s on pylons?
5:02 Any advice on forming partnerships to buy a plane?
6:21 Best advice for a new CFI? Best advice for a CFI check ride?
8:59 The weather has been bad, both of my CFIs are always booked. What can I do at home?
10:47 Crucial things to remember on the PPL flight test?
13:34 Can I do flying with you if I go to Alaska?
14:13 Are you planning on joining a Major Airline?
16:15 How did you get into flying?
18:00 What exactly should you be studying to have the best results on the written?
21:23 How do you counter ATC fear of reading back long calls?
23:32 When they issue airmet’s whether it be Tango or Zulu, does that mean it is an absolute?
26:08 Do you think that Aviation YouTube is saturated now?
27:53 Tips/Tricks on winter flying?
30:04 Do you have pros and cons of studying aviation in college?
32:00 Have you ever had a bird strike/wildlife strike?
34:45 Being from Alaska I’m sure you get snow packed and iced runways. How do you do the engine run-up?
36:09 Hi, I am 32, just started my flight training part time in South Africa. Is it too late for ATPL?
37:13 I’m an aspiring student pilot. Medical got deferred. Sent in documents. How long until I head back from OKC?
39:37 Do you typically video record lessons for your students for them to use as an aid & help them debrief?
41:19 I start Instrument ground school tomorrow at a Part 141 college. Any tips?
42:15 Does the DPE allow you to miss a certain amount of questions or does it work differently to see if you are good for the private license?

Submit questions every Sunday night on Angle of Attack's Instagram: https://ift.tt/2SCOUUG

Get powerful tools for your aviation journey with our courses at Angle of Attack. Join Online Ground School and Checkride ACE at https://ift.tt/35kuums

Episode Transcript
Hello, fellow aviators. Welcome to another Motivation Monday. In Motivation Monday, I answer your flight training and aviation career questions and anything else you’re going through or need to know or need help on in your journey to becoming a pilot and an aviator. So feel free to jump into this particular episode here. See the questions that I answered this week. However, on Sunday nights and Monday mornings go to Instagram and enter your questions in there because I will answer them live on the air and then post them here. So just trying to help you guys out in the community. And so I’ll see you inside. Let’s go and answer some questions that you guys have.
Do you offer private pilot instrument and commercial flight training? And when can I start?
So I actually do have a flight school here in Alaska. It used to be called Aviator Training but it’s just Angle of Attack. So if you’re ever in town, if you’re ever visiting Alaska, I’m open for business. I take people up and fly on the mountains, and you can do a little mountain flying course. Or if you are looking for different flight training, then I can offer certain things at my school. It’s basically just me in a 172, but I have a lot of fun and get to do a lot of great things here in a beautiful area. So if that’s ever anything you’re looking forward to and maybe you want to find a place to train elsewhere, then I do real flight training.
Like me coming on this live here. It’s one thing to be someone that talks online and does all that stuff. I have an online ground school and I share a lot of stuff online. But I always want to be someone that’s doing the real thing because I feel like that’s going to help everything else. So I don’t want to just talk about flying. I actually want to be out there doing it.
