AviatorCast: Flight Training & Aviation Podcast

AviatorCast: Flight Training & Aviation Podcast

How to Get Back Into Aviation & Flight Training — AviatorCast 135

January 21, 2020

Have you had a long hiatus from flying? Did you stop your training years ago? In this podcast I’ll define those that have fallen out of aviation, and talk about how you can get back into flying with a handful of simple steps.
In this podcast we will discuss:
▪ Evaluating whether or not it’s your time to get back into aviation.
▪ Having the courage to talk to people about what it takes to get back into flying
▪ How following aviators on social media can give you a huge boost
▪ Why emphasizing the ‘social’ part of social media is very important
▪ A deeper discussion on the fav four; medical, time, money and work, and steps to take now
▪ How to create a plan the “SMART” way
▪ Some final quick wins you can do almost immediately to boost you in the right direction
And by the way, it’s all too common a thing to fall out of aviation for a while. You’re not alone. But the journey back is not as difficult as you may think.
Jump in and enjoy this bit of inspiration and direction to getting back in the cockpit.
