AviatorCast: Flight Training & Aviation Podcast

AviatorCast: Flight Training & Aviation Podcast

Motivation Monday — 30 Flight Training & Aviation Career Questions LIVE

December 30, 2019


Questions on this episode:
0:02 How do I keep my #flight lessons productive?
1:38 Commercial 180 Tips — I have trouble getting the aircraft right to my aiming point
3:15 Partial Panel Instrument Tips — Having trouble with timed turns
4:35 Lately I’ve been floating past my touchdown point — Any tips on how to fix that?
5:30 I would like to improve my English Skills with #aviation school, what do you think?
6:55 Where are you planning on flying this spring/summer in the lower 48?
8:20 Any tips for learning about Radio Nav Aids would be great.
10:15 How do you successfully pick up #flying again after a short break?
12:15 How to keep on studying even if one has already passed all of the theory exams?
14:05 Is it worth it in the long run purchasing your own #aircraft to do your ratings and licenses?
15:35 What steps can you take as a young person looking to get #flighttraining?
16:40 While building hours towards an #instrument, what should I add to a normal #VFR routine?
19:05 Can you recommend me some aviation podcasts or audiobooks I can listen to while driving?
20:55 If a person fails his high school but has accumulated enough hours, do you think he might have trouble getting jobs at the #airlines?
22:25 Commercial pilot license flight test next week. Any advice?
23:40 What is the most important part to succeed in #ATPL training?
26:45 Working on my #PPL, don’t have any time to study for my written test due to high school. Any tips?
30:15 Would you ever come flying to New Zealand?
30:40 Tips for choosing a #CFI and knowing it will be a good fit?
32.35 Is it better to take extra speed in landing, or slower than usual?
34:40 I am a new CFI. How did you structure flight training for brand new students? Trial and error?
36:40 Can you fly gliders in AK? Have you ever flown a glider?
37:00 Learning to fly in Qatar. Any thoughts?
38:05 How do you suggest building cross country hours hood time for the instrument rating?
39:50 What is better to learn as a student? A tricycle gear or a tail dragger?
41:15 Is it more productive to train for PPL in a short period of time or over an extended period?
43:55 How do you pay back a student loan for a PPL?
45:25 Moving to Palmer, AK soon. Half done with flight training. What instructor should I look up?
45:45 Do you know any good flight training #scholarships for high school students?
46:25 What exactly is a back course approach?
47:25 What’s the average time a normal #flightinstruction time lasts? When can the CFI start charging his/her services?

Submit questions every Sunday night on Angle of Attack's Instagram: https://ift.tt/2SCOUUG

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Episode Transcript
How to keep my flight lessons productive. This is a good question. So I think the biggest thing about keeping your flight lessons productive is preparing well, and then debriefing well. While you’re in your flight lesson, without the preparation, it’s not going to go that well. But you’re going to be drinking from the firehose, so just relax.
Film it if you can. If you’re a instructor unless you do that because you can review it afterwards. But in the cockpit is actually one of the worst places to learn something. So that’s why I say get your ground school done before you go into training. Have good preflight briefings and debriefings, whether that’s with your instructor or without.
Just make sure that you’re thorough about the thoughts and feelings and impressions you had during the flight to do a quality ‘here’s what I can do better’ sort of thing.
