The Average Geek Show

The Average Geek Show

Nerd News | Episode 16

September 12, 2014


In this episode, Brian and Philippe talk about the latest news and rumors.

Topics Discussed:

  • Warner Bros Announces Supergirl Pilot
  • The Flash and Arrow

    • Raz Ah Ghul Announced

  • V2V Connectivity in new GM vehicles
  • New Flagship Tivo DVR
  • Is Cable TV worth it?

    • Alternatives to cable

  • Craig Ferguson’s replacement announced.
  • Deadpool on Marvel Variants
  • Marvel’s New Thor
  • Star Wars Episode VII rumors
  • New Alien movie
  • Comics that Brian is reading:

    • Nova
    • Deadpool and Dracula’s Gauntlent
    • Original Sin Series including tie-ins


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