The Average Geek Show

The Average Geek Show

Fall Preview | Episode 14

August 29, 2014


In this episode, Brian and Philippe discuss the upcoming fall shows on TV. They also give their review of Doctor Who, Season 8: Episode 1.

Topics Discussed:

Fall Preview:

  • Arrow
  • The Flash
  • Supernatural
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
  • Gotham
  • Sleepy Hollow
  • Big Bang Theory
  • A Mythbusters Bomb Shell!
  • Walking Dead
  • Once Upon A Time
  • Scorpion
  • Bones
  • Castle
  • Grimm
  • Constantine

Doctor Who Season 8, Episode 1

  • Peter Capaldi’s performance
  • Overall plot
  • What we liked
  • What we didn’t like
  • Future episodes


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