Authentic Faith and Live

Authentic Faith and Live

Latest Episodes

The Fulfillment of What is Spoken to Us from the Lord
May 31, 2018

The Feast of the Visitation Ever have one of those days when it could not possibly turn out good? Crisis, frustration, events leave you depleted, devastation, or dangerously disgusted? Radical, overwhelming, crazy,

The Fulfillment of What is Spoken to Us from the Lord
May 31, 2018

The Feast of the Visitation Ever have one of those days when it could not possibly turn out good? Crisis, frustration, events leave you depleted, devastation, or dangerously disgusted? Radical, overwhelming, crazy,

Arms Crossed Across My Chest
May 22, 2018

Arms Crossed Across My Chest   Jesus meet us in the Mass in Mercy, no matter where we are in our lives. He meets us exactly where we’re at. And He loves us there.   What does it mean when you see someone with crossed arms across their chest in the line...

Arms Crossed Across My Chest
May 22, 2018

Arms Crossed Across My Chest   Jesus meet us in the Mass in Mercy, no matter where we are in our lives. He meets us exactly where we’re at. And He loves us there.   What does it mean when you see someone with crossed arms across their chest in the line...

The Last Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth – Part II
March 29, 2018

God had a loving plan for us, to bring us back into communion with Him. He gave His Son for us, who, through obedience fulfilled His Father’s plan. The result of God’s Love and Jesus’ Obedience burst forth on the Cross, in the Holy Spirit.

The Last Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth – Part II
March 29, 2018

God had a loving plan for us, to bring us back into communion with Him. He gave His Son for us, who, through obedience fulfilled His Father’s plan. The result of God’s Love and Jesus’ Obedience burst forth on the Cross, in the Holy Spirit.

The Last Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth – Part I
March 29, 2018

We can participate in Heaven on earth!  The Hebrew people believed God became present to them in the Passover celebration-the memorial meal. We have God’s same presence with us as He renews His covenantal relationship with His people, on the altar,

The Last Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth – Part I
March 29, 2018

We can participate in Heaven on earth!  The Hebrew people believed God became present to them in the Passover celebration-the memorial meal. We have God’s same presence with us as He renews His covenantal relationship with His people, on the altar,

Spiritual Mother
March 16, 2018

Spiritual Mother   I give Mary my heart for her to become my Spiritual Mother after dementia takes my mother on a terrible wonderful journey, with God showing up providentially and profoundly. Our Lady cannot be outdone in her loving Mother’s heart and...

Spiritual Mother
March 16, 2018

Spiritual Mother   I give Mary my heart for her to become my Spiritual Mother after dementia takes my mother on a terrible wonderful journey, with God showing up providentially and profoundly. Our Lady cannot be outdone in her loving Mother’s heart and...
