Truth News Radio Australia

Truth News Radio Australia

World roundup - August 2016

August 17, 2016

In today's show we cover a variety of important, pressing topics on the world scene.

We look at the political situation in Thailand in the wake of a wave of bombings across the country. We examine the Machiavellian nature of terrorism generally and apply that to an analysis of what may be the driving agenda behind these events.

We look at the current developments in the Trump campaign and show some examples of the bizarre contradictory positions he has taken on several topics.

We cover the recent controversy over foreign ownership of Australian land and businesses.

We offer some constructive criticism of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party and play some of an extremely hostile TV interview with senator-elect Malcolm Roberts, with commentary, followed by a much gentler and more positive interview by radio talk back host Alan Jones.

Related Links

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The Guardian view on Thailand: the military is in control – but for how long?
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The real picture of foreign ownership of Australian farms
Jones rips Turnbull open on Chinese ownership
Stop Foreign Ownership in Australia 
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Pauline Hanson's One Nation
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