Raising Primates

Raising Primates

Biologically Normal Infant Sleep with James McKenna and guest host Mary Francell

December 19, 2018

James McKenna, PhD, anthropologist and legendary infant cosleeping researcher, sits down our guest host, Mary Francell, IBCLC, to talk all things biologically normal infant sleep. They discuss:

-Jim's research on cosleeping infant/mother pairs
-what "biologically normal" infant sleep looks like, and how it vastly differs from the current mainstream cultural narrative about infant sleep
-the "dance" between mother and baby during sleep, including the synchronizing of breath, heart beat, temperature, etc.
-Jim's SIDS theories
-The AAP's misleading guidelines about bedsharing, and how to make bedsharing/cosleeping safe for babies of all ages

Check out Jim's book Sleeping With Your Baby here:

His research/work, as well as more info about his Infant Sleep Lab can be found here: https://cosleeping.nd.edu/

Mary Francell, our guest host, blogs here about all things infant sleep/needs: www.whatdobabiesneed.com
Join her Facebook group to find like-minded parents: https://www.facebook.com/groups/biologicallynormalinfantsleep/

A HUGE THANK YOU to Mary for sharing this interview with us!!

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