All That is Nerd

All That is Nerd

All That Is Nerd Episode 0: Genesis

May 04, 2016

K got a taste of podcasting on the SluffCast and couldn’t get enough. Now he and Kacy Gellins are spearheading a new addition to the SluffWork podcast family with All that is Nerd. This podcast goes further into nerdy topics with fans just like you, but be careful, this podcast is littered with spoilers!
Game of Thrones season 06 predictions (01:29)
For the premiere episode, the guys talk about their Game of Thrones season 06 predictions. Does Jon Snow live or die? Did Brienne kill Stannis or show mercy? And what of Jaimie? He’s on a ship from Dorne filled with enemies of his home. We talk about all this and more.

Emulator gaming: Spectacular or sinful?(20:33)
It’s so easy to download emulators these onto your favorite console or gaming rig. And with them comes a host of opportunities and features including the ability to use your own controller, save states, and increasing the speed. However, some people would find that spitting in the face of the original developers and content. Which side are you on?

Every week, we utilize the card game SuperFight on the podcast to host an ultimate Who-Would-Win-In-A-Fight segment. Listen as we argue our case for our respective fighters, then head over to Twitter and vote for who you think the winner is!
Weekly Wrap-up (43:01)
This week we talk about Walking Dead Comics and the season 6 finale, Fallout 3 DLC, Fire Emblem, Twilight Princess HD, and more!
Socialize with us!
If you have a question or topic you’d like answered or talked about on the SluffCast shoot us an email to or hit us on Twitter. 
If you want to play some Nintendo games with K, his Nintendo Network ID is kris.with.a.k, or you can tweet him to add him on 3DS.


