Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love

Latest Episodes

How to Prevent Your Past From Ruining Your Present with Bestselling Author Mira
October 09, 2014

Do you ever feel stuck, like your feet are planted in cement? And that no matter what you try, you can’t seem to make the kind of headway you desire in life or love? Well, according to bestselling author, Mira Kelley, you can break free and transform

Do you ever wonder what happens to us after we die? On Ask Dr Love Radio
October 02, 2014

Do you want to know what it’s like to be in heaven? Well, if you said yes to either question, then join me for a fascinating discussion with Roberta Grimes, a business attorney, novelist and speaker based in Austin, Texas, who had two extraordinary exp

The Rising Epidemic of Adult Male Virgins with Guest Frank Kermit on Ask Dr Love
September 25, 2014

When it comes to sex, are you a guy who hasn’t gotten lucky? Or, do you know a guy who hasn’t lost his virginity and could use a helping hand? If so, this show is for you! This week, I’m discussing the taboo topic of adult male virginity with Fra

Ask Dr. Love - More Messages of Hope with Suzanne Giesemann
September 18, 2014

Do you wonder what your purpose on earth is?    And do you wonder where we go after we die? World renowned Suazanne Giesemann, author of eleven books, spiritual teacher, and evidential medium, will be joining me for another visit to  answer these qu

Perfect Passion After 50 on Ask Dr. Love
September 11, 2014

Hi, it’s Dr. Jamie Turndorf here… Have you noticed your sex life dwindling as you age? Don’t despair! This week I’m talking with Dr. Laurie Betito, author of The Sex Bible for People Over 50. Dr. Laurie is a clinical psychologist with a specia

Ask Dr. Love - Discover the Secret to a Love that Never Dies!
September 04, 2014

Did you know that we never completely lose those we love? And that there is a way to remain connected to them? And… For the first time in history there is a vehicle to help you resolve issues with someone who’s passed. Sound like a fairy tale? I

Everything Happens for a Reason with Internationally Renowned Author Suzane Nort
August 28, 2014

Does your heart still hurt over someone who’s died? Is your pain affecting your work performance or your current relationships? If so, you’ll want to join me for a fascinating discussion with Suzane Northrop, one of the world’s most famous psychic

Every Man Sees You Naked! With Author David Matthews
August 21, 2014

Ladies, do you often feel as though guys have x-ray vision? And they’re stripping you with their eyes? This week, you’re going to meet author David Matthews, an Emmy award-winning composer/writer/producer who has worked for such shows as "The Young

Ask Dr. Love - Have Men Lost Touch with their Masculine Side? With Elliott Katz
August 14, 2014

Are you frustrated with a male partner who won’t make decisions? Is your guy oblivious to problems that need his attention? And, guys, do you feel like you ain’t getting no respect from the women in your life? Tune in to this edition of Ask Dr. Lov

Ask Dr. Love - How to Rev Up the Romance!
August 01, 2014

Has your love life grown limp? Or is the romance just plain gone? This week, I’ll be introducing you to Toni Fox, creator of DATE NITE BOX – the first ervice ever to plan, book, box and deliver amazingly unique dates for couples, encouraging truly l