Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love

The Right Way to Leave a Relationship with guest Jayson Gaddis on Ask Dr Love

October 23, 2014

Some relationships are meant to last a lifetime and beyond.

And, sometimes people come into our lives for a brief time to assist us in learning an important lesson, and then they move on.

The real question is: How can you tell which relationships are meant to last.And when it’s time to call it quits on a relationship?

Is fighting a sign that it’s time to say good-bye?Not always! Many fighting couples wrongly assume that they’re incompatible and that they should break up.

But, believe it or not, fighting isn’t usually caused by incompatibility. In fact, very compatible couples fight because they’re carrying Old Scars–the secret cause of most relationship fighting. And, when the Old Scars get healed (that’s what my book Kiss Your Fights Good-bye is all about) the fighting just goes away.)

The best way to heal our Old Scars is to use our partners and our relationship to assist our healing efforts. If you don’t do this, and you take a hike, you’re just going to carry your Old Scars into the next relationship, and you’ll end up right where you started again.

How do you know when it’s time to say good-bye?  What is the correct way to end your relationship so that you don’t do yourself and your partner harm?  How can you actually grow from the break-up and become more, rather than less, open to love.

These are the questions that I’m going to be tackling with Jayson Gaddis, a relationship expert and a breakthrough marriage coach. Jayson helps individuals and couples get unstuck, and eliminate the blocks to having empowered, mature relationships. 
