Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love - More Messages of Hope with Suzanne Giesemann

September 18, 2014

Do you wonder what your purpose on earth is?    And do you wonder where we go after we die?

World renowned Suazanne Giesemann, author of eleven books, spiritual teacher, and evidential medium, will be joining me for another visit to  answer these questions. We’ll be speaking about her extraordinary new book, Wolf’s Message, which reveals the answer to why we’re all here. Hint: It’s what I’ve been saying all along–to perfect our ability to love ourselves and others fully.

Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the other side provides stunning evidence of life after death. Touted as “a breath of fresh air†with “a quality that is so different from others that it is difficult to describe,†she brings messages of hope and love that go straight to the heart.

Join me and find out the vital messages that Wolf wishes to share with the world. Amazingly, his messages match my husband’s after-death messages regarding the nature of this life and the beyond!

Tune in for an amazing conversation that will answer your questions about the purpose of life, the nature of reality, and attuning to higher consciousness.
