Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love

Everything Happens for a Reason with Internationally Renowned Author Suzane Nort

August 28, 2014

Does your heart still hurt over someone who’s died?

Is your pain affecting your work performance or your current relationships?

If so, you’ll want to join me for a fascinating discussion with Suzane Northrop, one of the world’s most famous psychic mediums.

 The Afterlife, Suzane’s Emmy-nominated TV series, has captured the imagination and hearts of mil­lions in both the U.S. and Canada, demonstrating Suzane’s unparalleled talent as a Medium and her profound impact on those who experience her work. The Suzane Northrop Radio Show continues to reach new and amazed audiences every month on the Blog Talk Radio Network.

Suzane has lectured extensively throughout the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., as well as with organizations and groups including the New York University’s Anthropologi­cal Society, New York Women’s Bar Association, The Spiritual Frontier Fellowship and the American and British Societies for Physical Research.

In addition to the many workshops, seminars and events she produces each month across the U.S., Suzane is also on faculty at The Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and is endorsed by

We’ll be talking about Suzane’s take on how we can heal relationships with those who have passed over.

I can’t think of a soul alive who doesn’t harbor some unfinished business with someone who has passed.

So tune in and find out more about how to heal and set yourself free.
