Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love

Saying So Long to the Silent Treatment

July 10, 2014

n this edition of Ask Dr. Love radio, I’m turning the spotlight on the Silent Treatment.

I’ll be discussing an article on the Silent Treatment that just ran in theWall Street Journal. In this article, the journalist noted that the silent treatment is one of the most common forms of conflict within a romantic relationship. She also wrote that this behavior is linked to the "demand-withdraw" pattern. And, she said, “It happens when one partner repeatedly approaches the other with a request, whether asking for attention or change—or giving criticism—and is met with avoidance or silence.â€

In the article, the journalist missed the essential aspect of the problem! Did the criticism develop as a result of chronic unresolved conflict? 

To break the silent treatment pattern, both partners need to work together. The critical partner needs to stop pushing the other’s buttons by dishing criticism and, instead, learn to speak in more constructive ways.      Tune in for an eye-opening show that’s going to guide you on how to say sayonara to the Silent Treatment and hello to a happier relationship.





