Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love

Could Yoga Help You Create Enduring Love? with Author Peter Sklivas

June 19, 2014

If you’re like most people, you yearn to find enduring love, the kind of love that lasts a lifetime and beyond.

Could yoga be a path to finding this kind of love?

This week, I’ll be introducing you to Peter Sklivas who has practiced yoga and meditation for more than 30 years.

In 2006, he created HotCore Yoga, combining hot yoga with body mechanics, ujaya
breath, and spiritual awareness. He currently teaches yoga at his studio in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts.

Peter completed his first novel during a pilgrimage to the sacred river Ganga in Rishikesh, India. Peter Sklivas’s spiritual first novel, The Secret of Enduring Love: Yoga Romance of
Damayanti and Nala, is a 21st century retelling of an ancient Vedic tale from India.

Brimming with romance, this delightful tantric love story offers an engaging introduction to yoga as a powerful tool for transformation and love.

His novel has garnered the praise of highly respected reviewers including Kirkus Reviews who says: “Author Peter Sklivas has accomplished a remarkable novel blending elements of historical romance with principles and legends of India’s fabled yoga traditions. The result is an original and engaging entertainment from first page to last! “The Secret of Enduring Love: Yoga Romance of Damayanti and Nala†is very highly recommended for personal reading lists and community library collections.

I’m excited to share with you Peter’s ideas on the link between yoga and enduring love.
