Arabic Qahwa (Arabic Literature)

Arabic Qahwa (Arabic Literature)

Latest Episodes

Imru Al Qais – The Lost King #8
December 26, 2018

Perhaps the most famous Arab poet from Jahiliyyah - Imru al Qais. Listen to a few stories from his life taken from the Aghani of Imam Abu Faraj al Asfahani. Don't miss the poetry at the end!

A Great Love Story – Antarah Ibn Shadad #7
December 19, 2018

One of the great love stories from classical Arabic poetry is the story of Antarah the slave warrior and his cousin and mistress Abla.  The Story of Antara (Arabic) volume 1:

The Importance of Arabic for the Student of Knowledge – Interview with Dr. Fahad Alsisi #6
December 09, 2018

An interview with Dr. Fahad Alsisi who is the Head of Dept. of Shariah at the Islamic University of Medina. We discuss how critical it is for the student of knowledge to put time into learning the Arabic language. 

Learning Arabic in Jordan (with Br. Bilal Almas Ahmed) #5
December 03, 2018

In this episode, we discuss learning Arabic in Jordan with our guest Bilal Almas Ahmed - A Pakistani-American Shariah graduate who travelled to both Jordan and Egypt to learn Arabic.

The Great Poet Al-Hutay’a #4
November 26, 2018

The story of the great poet Hutay'a, and how Umar Ibn Khattab had to put a stop to his poetry attacking people.

Curriculum for Beginners with Madinah Graduate Ali Nasser #3
November 19, 2018

Some really important advice if you are starting out learning Arabic. Pay attention to these things for optimum results, and avoid a lot of unnecessary frustration later. Interview with Canadian graduate from the Madinah International Islamic Universit...

The Poem of Al-Ilbīrī on Seeking Knowledge #2
November 08, 2018

Abū Isḥāq al-Ilbīrī (rahimahullah) lived in the 5th century Hijri (10 – 11 century A.D). His beautiful Manzūma known popularly as Manzūmat al-Ilbīrī, is full of wisdom calling towards asceticism and seeking knowledge.

Memorizing the Quran and Arabic Fluency #1
November 01, 2018

In the very first episode of the Arabic Qahwa Podcast – I discuss with Abdurrahman Diallo, the correlation between memorizing the Quran and mastering the Arabic language.
