Appointed: A Canadian Senator Bringing Margins to the Centre

Appointed: A Canadian Senator Bringing Margins to the Centre

Latest Episodes

Welcome to Season II
July 02, 2020

Welcome to Season II of Appointed!

Best Interest of Who? The State or the Child?
May 12, 2020

On this episode of Appointed we’re talking about the child welfare system and how systemic discrimination plays a key role in determining who ends up in care.

Transformative Justice: Healing in Place
April 29, 2020

On this episode of Appointed we're talking about challenging systemic marginalization by healing interpersonal harm. We ask what the role of transformative justice is in the work of decarceration and unpack the difference between restorative justice and

Coronavirus: Equalizer or Magnifier?
April 14, 2020

On this episode of Appointed we're discussing the novel Coronavirus pandemic and its varied effects on each of us. Far from The Great Equalizer, COVID-19 is instead magnifying existing societal inequities.

Don't Label Me!
November 05, 2019

On this episode, we're unpacking labels like "victim" and "criminal".

Dear Canada: Stop Detaining Migrants
August 21, 2019

On this episode of Appointed, we dig into the issue of immigration detention.

Dear Canada: Stop Detaining Migrants
August 21, 2019

On this episode of Appointed, join us as we dig into the issue of immigration detention.

Turning the Tides Against Solitary
July 23, 2019

On this mini-episode (well, as mini as we're ever able to get) Kim and Reakash discuss the recent push in the Senate to overhaul the government's Bill to "end" solitary confinement, Bill C-83.

Livable Incomes for All
April 26, 2019

All paths to income equality seem to point towards a National Guaranteed Livable Income Program -- find out why on the newest episode of Appointed.

Beyond Incarceration
March 26, 2019

On this episode of Appointed we're talking about decarceration and why Canada needs WAY more of it.
