

E6 – The Future Of Podcasting

February 28, 2017

In This Episode
I talk about news stories and articles about podcasting and the podcasting market.
Making sharing podcasts easier

* Podcasting – Still A Lot To Fix
* Download This Show (Podcast)
* How Can We Solve Podcastings Diversity Problem
* Audio Publishers Association
* Adobe VoCo Demo
* 2017 Podcast Events

Show Credits
Hosted, produced, mixed, edited & scored by Mark.
Welcome to the ApexThis podcast. A podcast about…podcasting or rather, a chronicle of my journey to start a publishing side business. This will be a behind the scenes look at what I’m doing to make that happen. I’ll share tips and best practices that I learn along the way. These tips and best practices will be something that you can use to start your very own podcast and share your voice with the world.
Coming up in this episode, The Future of Podcasting.
<music intro>
In my journey to start a publishing company, there is a lot I must learn and in learning, there is a lot that I must read. And so, I figured that I would share this as well. Interesting things that I find to be cool, engaging, and helpful. News from the podcasting world, if you are so inclined.
First up, a discussion about podcast discoverability on Download This Show.
How do you find podcasts?
One thing that stood out to me in their discussion was search and how searching for a keyword in most podcast directories retrieves shows with that keyword in the show title.
(download this show clip).
Despite technological limitations, this made me think about how I have tried to make my podcast discoverable? How have others tried to make their podcast discoverable? You have social media that you disperse your podcast to and you have forums and blogs.
Why provide transcripts and show notes?
Releasing to social media is…easy. You manage the timing to post and you tag your show to allow others to pull it up in their search results. You can even interest more people with a behind-the-scenes look at what you’re doing. That could pull in people to start following your social accounts and eventually, you can make a listener out of them. But it’s all about being social and interacting with those that follow you, those that are discussing the same topic and those that do the same as you.
What about show notes and transcripts? A readily available body of text for the web.
Finding podcasts are incredibly difficult. For starters, not a lot of podcast directories such as iTunes, allow you to search beyond the show name and or title. But just beneath that surface is a treasure trove of data. Your show notes and or your show transcript IF you have them. There are many benefits to having show notes and especially a transcript but the primary reason here is to be found. Think about it, when looking for podcasts, you go to iTunes and search for a podcast…are you searching for text? Or are you scrolling through the new & noteworthy lists or the multitude of subcategories to find that business related podcast?
Even though technology can only give use the popular podcasts for each category, we are still missing out on so much more. So we turn to google,
