Anime Complete

Anime Complete

ACEP12: Week 3 of Fall Anime 2016

October 20, 2016

Show Notes

Okay first thing is that I completely forgot to warn people in the audio that there are spoilers starting from this episode. I’ll make sure to do that at the beginning of next episode. Fortunately since we’re barely into the season there isn’t a whole lot to spoil people on since not a whole lot has happened just yet.
This week I had actually intended to get to way more shows than I did. I just started going on and on about Scorching Ping Pong Girls (who knew?) and all of a sudden I’d taken up like a third of my time slot. Since I didn’t want to rush anything else, I had to cut out some of the shows I wanted to get to, namely Magical Girl Raising Project.
So for next week I’m planning on skipping a discussion about Sound Euphonium and Yuri On Ice entirely. That way I’ll have more time to talk about shows I haven’t even gone over yet, e.g. Girlish Number and Flip Flappers.
By the way, if you happened to notice a difference in the audio, my bad. I was messing around with some new filters in Audacity this week and I may have overdone it a bit. Just a smidge.
Also, I only just realized that while I mentioned Izetta’s episode 2 last week I didn’t actually talk about it. Sorry about that since I only briefly (and I mean briefly) described the events of episode 2 here. I go into more depth in this episode since I have been keeping up with Izetta so hopefully that makes up for my woeful lack of exposition last week.

Selected Recommendations

1. Scorching Ping Pong Girls (Shankunetsu no Takkyuu Musume) @ 01:21
2. Izetta the Last Witch (Shuumatsu no Izetta) @ 15:00
3. Sound! Euphonium Season 2 (Hibike! Euphonium) @ 26:55
4. Yuri!! On Ice @ 38:48

Featured Shows on MAL
1. Scorching Ping Pong Girls
2. Izetta the Last Witch
3. Sound! Euphonium Season 2
4. Yuri!! On Ice
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