Angels and Awakening

Angels and Awakening

Latest Episodes

Bringing Through Messages In A Client Session
September 21, 2020

We've got an extra special episode for you today! I'm sharing the audio recording from a 1:1 session that I had with a wonderful client. We start with a short meditation to help shift her energy, and then go into an in-depth reading.   During this sessio.

Angel Story: It's Not Your Time
September 17, 2020

Today, Laurie joins us to share her touching Angel stories that you won't want to miss. When she was 20 weeks pregnant, Laurie lost her baby and he has been with her ever since. Due to complications after delivery, Laurie had a very near death experience.

The Number 1 Thing That's Killing Relationships And What You Can Do About It
September 14, 2020

Friends, this is not a typical example of the podcast. If you're new to the show, please start with episodes 1 and 2 (then hop around anywhere). This is an episode for the audience who knows me and will allow me to share my human-ness with you. They say .

An Animal Angel Story
September 10, 2020

Maryrose is back on the podcast today to share a fun Angel story! If you are an animal lover, this one is for you. Her family had decided it was time for them to get a dog. There has been a major increase in families getting pets during COVID, so it was .

A Spiritual Reawakening, Connecting With Angels, And Your Inner Child
September 07, 2020

Joining us on the podcast today is psychiatric nurse, Maryrose. Maryrose has completed the Angel Reiki School and has recently gone through a Spiritual reawakening. She's even started her own Angel Intuitive business as a result.    Maryrose began gettin.

Angel Story: Asking for Validation
September 03, 2020

Have you ever asked your Angels for validation? That's what today's Angel stories are all about! Sue shares her Angel experiences that she's shared with her late grandfather and mom. She tells us how she specifically asked her mom for validation that she.

Soul Centered Therapy with Dr. Kathryn Perkel
August 31, 2020

Hi friends! I received a call from a close friend today. She shared how, as a therapist, she's been able to refocus her business by helping her clients heal their whole-self by using the tools she learned in my Angel Reiki Program. Dr. Kathryn focuses on.

Angel Story: When Spirit Takes Over
August 27, 2020

Friends, there are different ways that Spirit comes through to us. For example, we can hear what they’re saying through our own internal dialogue, we can see visions, or we can get a feeling of knowingness. All of these ways of communicating are incredib.

A Unique Perspective on Receiving Angel Messages
August 24, 2020

Today on the podcast, we have on one of my students from the Angel Reiki School, Kristen Bly. She has a very unique perspective as someone who wasn't sure if she could do this work or not. She's always had a sense of knowingness, even as a child. When we.

A Journal Entry From Me At 22
August 20, 2020

I recently found a journal entry from when I was 22 years old. Spirit called me to turn to a specific page and I want to share this specific entry with you all today. It is amazing to look back on my inner thoughts and goals that I had for myself years a.
