Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Are You Acting In Integrity During COVID19?

April 18, 2020

Are you being a shitty human right now and are you blaming your shittiness on COVID19? Of course, there is a lot of good that is coming out of the current situation that we’re in, but there’s also a lot of haters, a lot of assholes and a lot of people that are staying “indoors” as directed, but not bothering to go inward within themselves. Instead of treating this time as some sort of “hall pass” that allows you to be a lazy, bored, angry human who sits around drinking too much and complaining about how bored you are, why don’t you use it for good? This episode is an Instagram Live that I did with Erika Cramer (The Queen of Confidence) a few weeks ago when we were in the thick of so much bullshit happening around us and to us in our small businesses.

Think about the impact that your demands are having on the small businesses that you’re complaining to. Think about how every single one of these small businesses are doing their absolute best. They all have their own bills to pay, their own mouths to feed and they’re all also wanting to do the right thing, and the best thing for everyone.

How you act right now is a direct reflection of who you really are. Are you acting with integrity and thinking of others, or are you living in fear, blame and guilt. Change your internal conversation, and do better.

