Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Show Me That Money Honey

February 17, 2020

I've missed you so much and I feel like there is just too much to speak to you about after the incredible rebirth that I have gone through (yet again) after my recent Radical Resurgence Retreat in Bali. Amidst this so much has been happening in the backend of my business in the obliteration of systems and structures that were not supporting me and all the money that was being used in ways that was not serving me, or my business to its full potential. Today's episode is more about the solution to my problem than the bandaid to the bullshit.

On the podcast today, I'm bringing the fiery truth teller and financial wing woman Coraline Dufroux back on to spout some wisdom. I recently put together an incredibly sexy offering called The Entourage Experience. This experience made it possible for one person to follow me around the world for six to twelve months to learn my business, gain visibility for their own pursuits and be involved with everything that I do. Coraline contacted me about taking up this offering and my head exploded. Of COURSE she would be the one. Of COURSE.

I'm so excited to shatter your money beliefs this year with the help of Coraline. This woman is a wealth of knowledge, experience and we're going to be doing podcast episodes, videos, instagram lives, speaking gigs and literally anything else we can think of to get this message out to you.

Break up with your limiting money beliefs and get ready for a wild twelve months.
