Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

The Absurd Neglect and Abuse Of A Misogynistic Government

January 29, 2020

I’m coming at you today with an absolute doozy of a conversation. It is a conversation that I have been too scared to have in the past, for fear of possible repercussions. For fear of how I may be seen. For fear of who may be watching and listening. But you know what, no more. If not now, when? When will we stand together and speak up about the issues that affect us the most, and demand for change.

So let’s have a real conversation about the complete non-existence of support top to bottom for single mothers, single parents and the absurd reality that we’re forced to live in on a daily basis. On a policy level, a government level, political level we are in crisis mode due to the complete lack of support for those of us that need it the most. We have to jump through so many hoops, fall in line, live a life according to the checks and balances that the government determines are best, but who is it really “best” for? We’re unable to make the choices that we want to make in the timeline that works for us. We must submit to what society has allowed to happen, or we will be severely penalised.

Join me in speaking up. Join me in thinking more deeply about the ways that we can affect change, and demand to be heard, understood and taken seriously. This is a recent Instagram Live that has been turned into a podcast episode for your listening pleasure. Enjoy and spread the word.

For more, head to my website
