American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

An Antidote to Socialist Education for Kids—Connor Boyack and Daniel Harmon on the ‘Tuttle Twins’

August 11, 2021

“Through storytelling and beautiful illustrations, we tell the time-tested virtues that made our country great: entrepreneurship, free markets, property rights, personal freedom, the golden rule,” says Connor Boyack, author of the “Tuttle Twins” books.

Since the pandemic started, books sales have shot up as more parents found themselves looking for educational resources for their kids.

Now, a cartoon series is in the works, says Daniel Harmon, showrunner for the show and chief creative officer at Harmon Brothers. “We became the number one crowdfunded kid show in world history,” Harmon says.

At FreedomFest in South Dakota, we sat down with the two of them to discuss their vision for the series. The cartoon is expected to be released in October.
