American Mansy Podcast

American Mansy Podcast

AMP 108 - How To Handle Her And Her Body Issues

September 19, 2013

American women are at war with themselves. And when it comes to them and their body issues, they have a complaint every minute. There are two ends of the spectrum – the things she cannot change, and the things she can change. From what they’re born with to their unwillingness and laziness to change what’s within their control, American women will always have a chronic dissatisfaction with their bodies. How should Mansy navigate this treacherous minefield? What should Mansy do when she complains about what she cannot change? What if he loves the very thing about herself that she hates? And what should Mansy do if she complains about her weight, her appearance, comparing herself to other women and yet does nothing about it? In this episode: the bait you should never take; the strategy of silence; never be an accomplice to mediocrity; how she needs to find her own fix; why you are not responsible for her own perceptions. How To Handle Her And Her Body Issues. It’s up to her to find her own happiness. BONUS: We take your phone calls!
