American Positivity; Welcome to Step 1

American Positivity; Welcome to Step 1

American Positivity Step 7: You're My Density

October 13, 2015

"It occurred to me that the existence of god poses a problem. If he exists, he must be somewhere. As such, he must have information like all other things in the universe, that information being mass, density, volume. If he is anywhere in the universe he is also likely to be spinning very fast and have a gravitational pull, as gravitation is a fundamental force with infinite range that acts on everything.
If you adopt the stance that he created the universe, you can easily set him as an entity separate from the universe, an outside creator. Still it poses the question of his residency. If he created this universe and is not inside it, he must be outside somewhere, right?
And if he is inside the boundaries of our universe, then surely he has physical information. It seems to me that if there is no physical information about god, he does not possess physicality of any kind and thus has no existence."

--Said No Believer in Him Ever

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