Amateur Theoretical Physicist

Amateur Theoretical Physicist

Latest Episodes

the good Samaritan story (fully explained). what is the real point that most Christians miss?
October 31, 2020

what is the real point that most Christians miss of the good Samaritan story?  I try to tell the story of the good Samaritan the way it was told to me over 40 years ago by a lady that I was sure was crazy up until she explained the good Samaritan to

GoPro Black 8 Review and the Marfa lights
June 16, 2020

I talk about my experience with the GoPro 8 Black and the GoPro Session Hero...  both are great in their own ways but also both have issues... and I also talk about how the GoPro 8 helped us scientifically prove something about the Marfa lights in we

JFK Assassination Resolved
May 16, 2020

I skipped a great deal of the details on this video in the interest of time but also because I still hope to make a more professional documentary in the near future.  The only purpose for this video is to simply put out the new evidence that has been

pentagon UFOs (partially explained) what does this mean?
May 04, 2020

I try to explain what the newly released pentagon UFO videos mean...  do they mean that we are being visited by extraterrestrials?  not quite.  but they do mean something pretty extraordinary... --- Support

CoronaVirus and future plans part 2
April 14, 2020

I realized that some people out there may not know just how complicated the issues surrounding the JFK assassination actual are so to get ready for my upcoming video “JFK Assassination Resolved” I figured I should try to describe all the open questions th

CoronaVirus and future plans
April 06, 2020

I try to point out a few points that the media and even the government are missing about the coronavirus and why it is so dangerous and why it is nothing like the normal yearly flu. --- Support this podcast: https://a

response to questions and comments
March 17, 2020

I try to have an authentic two-way conversation with the viewers.    the whole point of me putting out my ideas is to get feedback on those ideas.   I have no way of knowing if my ideas are right or even close to being right. &nbs

an afterlife (partially explained) what if our consciousness survived our death?
January 20, 2020

what if our consciousness survived our death?  after taking a few leaps of faith, what does science tells us about what might be? --- Support this podcast:

an afterlife (partially explained) what if our consciousness survived our death?
January 20, 2020

 what if our consciousness survived our death? just a simple idea somewhat based on science but not limited by it.      --- Support this podcast:

JFK assassination (partially explained) witnesses on Elm st
November 27, 2019

I try to explain why some of the witnesses on Elm street didn't just disagree with the Warren Commission report but some of them even contradict each other.   and if we take all their descriptions account including the layout of Dealey Plaza we
