Project Redemption

Project Redemption

Seven Words You Never Want to Hear with Denise Wilson

August 09, 2023

When life is over and you stand before God, what will he say to you? There is no greater tragedy than for someone to go through their entire life thinking they are a Christian only to hear these seven fateful words at death. Tune in today to hear what led Denise to write about these seven words.

Denise Wilson is passionate about the salvation of the lost. She has served as a missionary in both Italy and Toronto. Currently, she is involved in personal evangelism and outreach in and near her hometown of Caledon, Ontario, where she lives with her husband and two sons. She has a BSc. in biblical studies from Emmaus Bible College. 

What is your favorite scripture / lifetime verse (and why)

I have no one favorite, but a meaningful verse to me is 2 Corinthians 5:21 

“For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” (NLT) 

To think that we can be made right with God is an incredible thought.  

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Grab a copy of Denise’s book, Seven Words You Never Want to Hear: How to Be Sure You Won’t by clicking here or grab the new Seven Words You Never Want to Hear Study Guide HERE.

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Denise Wilson, Athena Holtz, Christian podcast, Christian authors, christian publishing, christian publisher, Athena Dean Holtz, christian podcasts, christian testimony, Jesus testimonies, Jesus testimony,

The post Seven Words You Never Want to Hear with Denise Wilson is from Redemption Press - Christian Book Publisher and Bookseller.
