Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married 16 The Importance of Trust

May 08, 2015

As we kick off the podcast, meet the hosts, and see what we've been up to since you last heard from us.

We've had some feedback from a couple sources, wanting to know more about the outcome of our uninvited house guests. I'm talking about having a pair of squirrels that got trapped in the house. Get a reminder of how they broke in, what we've done to get rid of them, and the continued persistence of the remaining one to avoid Robins tasty treats to lure him into the live animal trap. Robin also shares the farewell moments of the one that we've managed to catch so far. I wish I could title this segment, 'The Squirrel Diaries: The Final Chapter,' but it's turning out to be an ongoing saga

Main Topic

We talk specifically on Trust. What is it? How important is it in a family relationship? What can be done to keep it, or rebuild it once it's lost? We know that kidds make mistakes, and need to grow trust, but what about parents? We talk about all manner of aspects on whjat it looks like when one party or the other needs forgivness, and a journey to rebuild trust.

Did we talk about your situation? I hope we helped. If we didn't, or we missed an area that you've found yourself in, contact us. Comment on this article, send an email by visiting our Contact page, or follow @HPNCast on Twitter.
