Alistair Vermaak

Alistair Vermaak

Latest Episodes

VM3 - Creating Chabots for your business - Which platform is the quickest and easiest to use?
January 23, 2019

Hey there, NB: as you read, you'll see in blue, that's an affiliate link, I may make a small commission if you decide to make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.  I use them and promote them here because the platform works beautifully

VM2 - What Is Success? How do you define success in your life?
January 23, 2019

Hi there, This short podcast just asks the question of you, what does success mean to you? For me, it's the ammount of money I have in  the bank.  Money gives you options that someone without doesn't have. It's just a short podcast.  Suc

VM1 - The Customer Journey - How you should make sure your business aligns with customer needs
January 23, 2019

The customer drives your business and not you.  Your wishes and desires should always come second.  If you can make your business customer-centric and focus on their needs before your own, your business will become more successful. I've found t

Quick Introduction to Vermaak Marketing and My Personal Brand - Alistair Vermaak
January 23, 2019

I just wanted to launch this podcast by introducing myself and letting you know what I plan for my podcast.  It's my very first recording, so bear with me here.  They say you get better at it over time.   Let's see how we do.  I plan
