Adventure Hook

Adventure Hook

Episode 36: The Melting - Adventure Hook

December 16, 2019

Today’s Hook: A shock melting of a glacier sends the party riding a flood wave into an ancient ruin. (by Hjalmar Nordén of @RedMoon_RPG)

This episode of Adventure Hook will be of little surprise to those familiar with past shows, as the guys waste no time showing their love of Lovecraft by combining the themes of the Cthulhu Mythos with those of a much less existential threat: 

Climate change…

Whether envisioning a secret corporate artic drilling facility built on behalf of Arkham Oil to extract some ancient eldritch goo from beneath a newly melted ice shelf… or a post-apocalyptic solarpunk sea/state-walled world where the risen oceans are now fraught with unimaginable dangers for the burgeoning ship-city societies… Aaron and Rob still rarely stray far from the corrupting influences of the Great Old Ones when crafting the details of this episode. In all honesty, both Cthulhu and out of control climate change are ultimately about the slow creep of impending inescapable doom… but of the two, global warming remains far and away the more terrifying…

And during one of his many tangents, Aaron regales us with the tale of a daring sea adventure he once undertook with his father which earned them both bonus XP as well as a treasure drop of four fresh lobsters!

Banter Topic:  This question was submitted by Patreon supporter Craig Butler who asks: 

Hey guys, I've been starting to use the Alphabet of Desire in my own writings and adventures and I'm curious if you have any thoughts or theory on how each point on the holy hexagram relates to the two points it has no natural relationship with? For example Desire is opposite Fear and natural allies with Death and Love; but is there anything general you can say about Desire's relationships with Hate and Life? Or are those interactions just totally based on circumstances?

Man, what a great question! And one that took some thinking about, both from a writer’s and from an occultist’s perspective... And so naturally, true to form the Adventure Hook guys did a bit of unpacking on both fronts… so please enjoy yet another installment of Lessons from the Holy Hexagram! 


Adventure Hook (on Patreon)

NYCC 2019: DC – House of Horrors Panel Recap (on Horror

John Constantine: Hellblazer #1 by Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell  (SEP190456 releases Nov 27th from DC Comics: Black Label)

Episode 17: A Very Lovecraft Christmas (with Chris Lackey of the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast)

Episode 13: Bad Wizard in A Scary Tower (2018 Halloween episode with Tim Seeley)

Episodes that feature the Holy Hexagram heavily:

Episode 26: Burn Down City Hall

Episode 27: The Glowing Rock

Episode 28: Dead or Alive

Blackspire Season 0: To Baator and Back – Episode One:  Paradise Lost & Found

Scientists Will Deliberately Encase Their Ship In Arctic Sea Ice (on

The Terror and the Erebus (on Wikipedia)

The Thing (on Amazon)

The Stuff (on Amazon)

The Tunguska Event (on Wikipedia)

Event Horizon (on Amazon)

The Keystone XL Pipeline (do your own research on this, berk!)

The Road (on Amazon)

Birdbox (on NetFlix)

At the Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft (on Amazon)

Episode 8: The Impossible Location

Episode 20: Save the Wizard’s Familiar

Tales from the Yawning Portal (on Amazon)
