A Better Bible Study Podcast video

A Better Bible Study Podcast video

Latest Episodes

030 GG23 The Positive Nature of Spiritual Growth
July 22, 2015

Growth is a process and a progression. Just as the stages of life, we are conceived, born, grow to be toddlers, children, adolescents and finally become adults. We then grow older until we become old people and die.

029 GG22 Every Wind of Doctrine
June 23, 2015

  The need to study the scriptures is great and necessary. Study of the scriptures is more than just reading – it is examining and mentally ingesting the messages they have for us. Once we have established that daily pattern,

028 QnA Where to Worship 2
June 14, 2015

How do I decide which church to attend? There are two perspectives. non- Christian, who wishes to find truth about of God and His plan of salvation New Testament Christian who knows, what the Bible teaches about recognizing the Lord’s church.

027 GG 21 Christianity is not a Religion of Behavior
May 07, 2015

Religious Hypocrisy Being godly precedes doing godly. When we emphasize the doing over the being, we become like the Pharisees. That’s also the problem with so many religions today, they emphasize on the doing instead of understanding the being first.

026 GG20 The Bible, the Foundation of our Faith
May 03, 2015

The Gospel and Spiritual Growth Episode 20: The Bible, the Foundation of our Faith Christianity and the Bible Christianity as a religion is unique in a sense that it doesn’t have any comparison in its inherent truth and grace. Thus,

025 GG19 How Does One Grow in Faith?
April 21, 2015

How does one grow in Faith? This is the 19th episode of the Bible study series The Gospel and Spiritual Growth. In this episode, we will look into more details on what the Bible says about growing in Christ. Why the need to learn?

024 QnA Where Should I Worship? 1
February 09, 2015

On A Better Bible Study Podcast, Rudy discusses with church of Christ members, the question as to where to they should worship. How do I decide which church to attend? There are two basic positions from which to ask this question.

023 GG18 Evangelizing Using Thessalonians
December 29, 2014

dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. (2 Thessalonians 1:8 NASB95) One thing we can glean from 2 Thessalonians 1:8 is that the Gospel  is to be obeyed.

022 GG17 Gospel Review Part 2
December 10, 2014

This is the second part of the review before we switch our focus to spiritual growth. Greek Words We are reviewing the exam. The Greek words defined here, in the context in which they occur, are important to the text and the topic that we have been dis...

021 GG16 Gospel Review Part 1
November 24, 2014

On Better Bible Study Podcast, in the 16th episode of the series titled The Gospel and Spiritual Growth Bible Study, Rudy reviews the most important concepts, definitions and topics to Church of Christ members.
