Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0262 – Pompeo, ‘Hong Kong not autonomous.’ Marxist admirer Bill de Blasio’s police state NYC! Amy Cooper’s frightening ordeal on Memorial Day in Central Park’s Ramble area, & afterwards.

May 27, 2020

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo decries Communist China’s usurpation of Hong Kong’s autonomy.
NYC mayor Bill de Blasio and his love affair with the Marxist Sandinista regime of Nicaragua, and his “progressive” command & control regime in New York City, threaten to close NYC churches permanently. One of the instruments of de Blasio’s oppression, the Commission on Human Rights.
Bill de Blasio, ‘Leftward ho!’ A leftist activist party by any name, Democrat, the New Party, WFP.
Self-defense from murder is no excuse – Brooklyn, NY.
Memorial Day, an ideal occasion for frightening a lone woman with a small dog in Central Park’s semi-wilderness Ramble area; then to launch an internet social media attack upon her.
Sisters murdered in Georgia – Trevena Campbell, 30, & Vanita Richardson, 19; a family devastated.
